
The sun was fading away into the horizon

It was a long day, loads of work and definitely no fun

He packed up his back, she closed her work

Both of them left for their home

There was a smile on his face, happiness in her step

He dreamt of holding her

She laughed at the thought of him hugging her

He looked at watch, she glanced outside the cab window

Both of them wondered, why is the time moving so slow

He took the last turn, her cab pulled in past the corner shop

The happiness in that moment was over the top

He parked the car, she unlocked the door

The fragrance in the house was just like the wind on a sea shore

He sat on the sofa, she hugged her in all comfort and hope

They closed their eyes, he kissed her forehead

And that was their home.

When things just happen

When things just happen

Have you ever imagined if some of your favourite stories came true? Or when you watched a movie and the same incident happens with you? All these fantasies are always what we wish for in our life – many a times they do happen as well, and when they do, it is different feeling. You are smiling, there are butterflies in your stomach, and the world just seems a better place – of course your heart makes your mind think – do miracles really happen?

I, of all people, and those who know me well, would acknowledge the fact about how big a fan of Bollywood I am. In fact, many people close to me also say that my life itself is a movie (ok, maybe that is just me quoting myself). Funny though that I experienced something that I have never had before.

In the age of quarantine, pandemic, work from home and isolation, it is very easy for your mind to go into overthinking mode or really drive you crazy. Interestingly, when I was in the zone of no hope, comes a notification on my phone – a friend of mine had replied to a story of mine. Oh trust me, in today’s world – that’s a bigger sign of happiness than getting a match on tinder. Anyhow, the conversation started from there – went on to some totally random topics – to daily exchanges to getting into each others’ phonebooks and then texting.

Both of us had the least of ideas about what was going on, but it was very clear that we were pulling each other out of our dark modes in these difficult times.

The first phone call happened to be a pretty long one – probably as long as an average flight time in our country (2 hours). There were things we did not know, and old incidents that we revisited from our past and places and people that we shared. Oh yes, that’s the detail I missed – we knew each other for long time but never really got to talking. Funny what a lockdown and staying at home for so long can do to you.

What was more shocking were the long list of similarities that came up – even when it comes to disliking people, food and behaviours. I guess that’s what all that was needed at that point – in both of our lives.

Little did we realise when the switch flicked and we just fell for each other. From making each other sleep at night, to making sure the other person is comfortable and has their space – I think there were lot of things that just clicked without putting effort. Long time back, a friend of mine told me – “Relationships are not about saying I love you, it is about understanding and making sure you make each other grow”.

I never understood how that would work – but today even with a distance of 2164 kms between us, we understand what is going through each other’s head, we know how to complete each other’s sentences and we know when to step back and respect each other’s space.

Till date, all of it feels like a dream, a dream that I will make sure never ends, a dream that I want to continue to live. There are only countable things in life that one can be grateful for – and I guess I have found mine and I plan to hold onto it forever.

Maybe this is what feels like to be in a movie, maybe this is what feels like when somethings just happen and you love it. I hope everyone has a story like mine as we try to find our happy place in this world.