Endings are always painful

Been a while since my last post.

I started this blog after something ended in my life. It was a way of finding closure, a way to reconstruct my inner self. Let me share somethings based on the same lines

Germany v England

For the tag, it was just a friendly, but what it produced was a statement that England are a force to reckon with in the future. Ever saw names of Kane and Vardy on the same sheet? Yup they are the future of this football team and they sure look one of the likelhoods to end the domination of German and Spanish football from Europe

India v Australia

Many people hate me for supporting Australia despite being an Indian. I am not a huge cricket fan, I just support good people. This is an open attack on all Indian players except Virat Kohli. Slogging your way to wins in T20 doest establish anything. That is why I only appreciate Kohli, because he knows how to play cricket. As for the community, don’t be like Manchester City fans- when they win- “oh dhoni is the best, this that” , when they lose- “his days are over, break his hose this that”. You talk about patriotism? I could totally see that when there were more chants for Pakistan than Australia in their match.

It’s a bitter loss to digest for cricket Australia as T20 still remains the trophy eluded from their cabinet, but there is always a next time.

Thanks Shane Watson, for all the moments and memories. The game will miss you


Twists and Turns

Last few days have just been full of ups and downs.

Lets start with the most disappointing part- FC Midtjyland 2-1 Manchester United. A club that is 17 years old, younger than me, only won Danish Super League Title defeats us. I mean what have we come down to. Agreed, we have 12 players on the injury list and David De Gea was the latest one to be added just before the match, but  at least play like Manchester United. The defense line was as static as a snail and the attack was mediocre. The team could feel the absence of Wayne Rooney. I think I would happily support Rio Ferdinand’s tweet that enough time has been given to LVG. The position, points don’t matter, the team has forgotten how to play the United way. With a game against Arsenal coming up, I just pray at least DDG makes a return to the line up.

Let me now shift focus to my emotional life. It is in those cliche phase where you find out that the girl you liked is dating someone else, she has moved on faster than you or rather she doesn’t care about your existence anymore. You cry everyday night to sleep, try to cheer up by trying to hit things off with other prospects, but the only thought in your head is her and her smile. Her voice echoes everyday in your ear and you check your phone a;ways expecting something from her. You promise yourself that you won’t stalk her, you won’t like her pictures but every time you open instagram or ask.fm or snapchat, you automatically want her posts to be there, something about you, something that indicates that she misses you or thinks about you. All you get is, her smiling face or she posting pictures with some other guy. You tell yourself not to cry, not to feel hurt, the pain, but the tears are unstoppable as they come gushing down your cheek and then you just sink back in your pillow screaming which no one can hear. I believe I will be okay soon.

How about we look at the happier side of life? There is this amazing artist in my office, she is kind off cute but don’t get me wrong, she is madly in love with someone else so no chance. Anyways, so we decided how about we combine my sketches and her doodle and start and instagram page. The much needed distraction I needed and of course it felt good. You can check us out at @doodle77sketch. If you like our work, please follow and share.

FINALLY, I WATCHED DEADPOOL. Why did I right that in Caps, because it is FREAKINGAMAZING!!!! Easily one of the craziest marvel movies and Ryan you sure as hell made some chimi fuckin’ changa!. If you haven’t watched it, I advice kindly drop a leave notice in your office/school and go watch it at priority. Because this great ass, who is a bad ass can’t be missed.


Signing off! Big week coming up at work. Hopefully all goes good. 🙂