Why do we cry?

Why do we cry?

An emotion that many try to hide, an emotion that many try to run away from, an emotion that many love to confide in, an emotion that gets better of many and an emotion probably stronger than any other – but the question that comes with it is “Why do we cry?”

The list of questions with “why” for this situation is endless –  “Why are you crying?”, “Why are there tears in your eyes?” What makes it worse is when people actually expect an answer from you to those questions – trust me, just ask that soul in that state about the struggle they go through to put words to their thoughts to find an answer.

The situation is not about answers, it is really about understanding are those tears of joy or sorrow – and one thought this will be an easy task. As hard it is to deal with it, it is even harder to figure out the state of mind the person is in.

  • Oh they are tears f joy, I am blessed with a baby sister
  • Don’t ask, you will not get my pain
  • This is the emotion when you top in your academics
  • I thought I will get to hear at least one more story from my grandmom
  • “Your account has been credited by Rs. XX,XXX “
  • I gave everything, but she never cared
  • Yes! We are world champions after forever
  • I lost a friend today
  • I have found my best friend in you

Just some of those times, when we couldn’t hold back and they came out.

I bet I missed a lot more, or probably the ones pertaining to the present situation he is in.

Who is he? Just one among the crowd of what people call “emotional fools”. But then somethings are just pre-wired, and that’s how he is. For him, the world should be a happy place – whether it is the people he knows or he would just crossed paths with once in his lives. Difficult task – but then he always puts those small or big efforts – appreciated or not, he just does it. Returns? As you would have expected – there were expectations which were never met – but he continued on that path for as long as one could remember.

The world sucked more from him, so did his near and dear ones – he continued till he could. He knew he was running out of it when he finally decided to stop, sit down on the side – look back at the smiles staring back at him.

As expected tears came out, he broke down – why wasn’t he happy? Why did we hear pain his crying? Because every time he gave a smile, he expected to get support on his journey – but never asked upfront. People are selfish souls – he could hear his brain talk to him while he cried.

He saw 3-4 smiles out of the 100 he had distributed, walk towards him. They wiped his tears, helped him to his feet, put him back on the track. He started waling again, with their words still echoing – “We are there for you”. His eyes were still moist, but this time with a smile.

We meet a lot of people in life, but make sure to hold onto the right ones, and wave good bye to the wrong ones with a smile. Because you are not worth it.

Happy Crying 🙂