

He was sitting there, all by himself – on the couch, with a glass of water in his hand, his earphones plugged in – listening to that tune they danced on the other night.

But today was not about them or her today, it’s about him – him as a person, him as someone which this world doesn’t know about – just like that unknown x that you try to solve for in the toughest math equation, just like that UFO which was never spotted, just like that element in food which is always missing. But it is present or found, it sure causes a lot of chaos – the new definition of the latest chaos theory? Or maybe not.

Things had been a little different those days – people were looking towards him, people were realizing who he was, people wanted to be a part of his life. But why all the attention?

A day that went by

Full dark and gloomy skies

It made the strongest break down

There was pain but no sound

He tried

But all was in vain

He cried

They said he was insane

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t

Just when he was trying to build himself together, they came with the canons and the arsenal. They came out to break him, to bring him down for what he had done. They wanted him out for the way he acted, they wanted him to pay for the way he was.

What did he do? Trusted people

How did he act? Fair to all, putting them first

How he was? A leader who shed bled for his army first

He questioned himself his mistake, he questioned himself his credibility, he questioned his strength, he questioned his actions.

He looked up at the sky

Wished for her, and said “oh my!”

“How I wished you knew”

“What I went through”

“I tried to be strong”

“They said I was wrong”

She woke up to a voice note from him

Three seconds later, she knew he was gone

He had gone to the bakery shop, with heavy eyes and no sleep for last night, to get some bread and breakfast. Holding the favorite coffee he knew she liked, he rode that bike across town, just to be with that person. It was a new day, a new beginning, a day with her sure can make things right. He knew, those low lives would come again – stronger and better, they would try to hit hard and take it all away. He knew he would be ready this time, he knew he ain’t giving up so easy this time.

He looked at his phone

Hummed a beautiful tone

He forgot about road and the way back home

Through the phone he saw her smiling

He coughed a laugh through that crying

The road was cold below as he closed his eyes

And that was the final goodbye

The car drove away over the broken bike. There was a crowd around, surrounding him as he lay there cold. The morning air was filled with smell of fresh bread and freshly brewed coffee – the one that would not reach it’s destination.

She waited for the door bell to ring, which never did. When it did, she fell to the floor, she knew they had won and she had lost.