When you tried!

Been a while since I  had my words speak for me,

Been a while since I let her take charge of me

But there is always something in the night

When your eyes go numb and your emotions fight

You try hard

But life always holds the better card

And then all you can do is give up!

It is the month of February – the month of love, the month of those beautiful red roses blossoming love between two souls, strengthening the bonds between hearts- young in love, yet excited about the rad that lies ahead. But is it all that February holds ? What abut the other side? Ever asked that question? If you are wondering what about it? Well, the answer is not that easy.

Everyone remembers that famous line- Love starts with Friendship – but then those words got lost somewhere in the sands of time. As far as I remember, friendship is considered as a curse if it comes between love? Is it really that bad? That bad to love someone and be friends?

It’s rare to find people who understand you, accept you the way you are, love you for who you are and be there for you when the entire world is against you.

They have had their ups and downs
Fights and misunderstandings
Hatred and cold wars
But then every time when someone asks- “after all this while”?
He would just say – Always

It was his favorite lines from the famous Harry Potter Franchise, for the most favorite person in his life.

The night was still young, two glasses of wine and the floor awaited their arrival.

There was happiness in every moment that day

It was music to him – every word she would say

She wore that pretty dress,

And there he was, a usual mess

She stumbled, he laughed

He tripped, she held his arm


He knew it was here from the very beginning, but then there was fear- the fear of losing her as the most amazing friend he has had till now, fear of losing her to someone who could love her more, fear of losing her to time – which sure was running out on him.

It was just one of those nights when his thoughts drove him mad, her absence made him shed a tear. He kept it inside his heart, whispered slowly to himself-

“I will always have much more love to give
I don’t know if I do enough or say enough to show you what you mean to me.
But today I just wanna remember that I am lucky to have you with me.”

Those words were etched in that moment, a spark that lit his dark room for a while. They flashed in front of his moist eyes – he could see her smiling through them, he could imagine her reaction when she would hear them, he could feel the beat rising inside his rib cage, he knew it was time to let go.

The phone rang …. the words shimmered for a while more then vanished into thin air- so did hope- as he slid open his screen lock
