Frustration – It’s a gradual process

What should I consider it as? A weakness? A strength? Or just probably something that pulls me down every single time.

It may just be ignorance from someone I love

Or words that hurt from someone at work

Sometimes it’s just the absence of someone from the day

Or just the inability to express my feelings in what I say

It builds up, slowly and steadily

Just like the calm before the storm

It won’t come out the instance you want it to

It won’t be shown, but will be figured out only by few

All you want to do is just shout

But you are clueless- what’s this anger about.

That time, you just sit in one corner, try to do your work, try to live your life, try to be normal. You try to portray it to the world that everything is fine, you are happy inside and life is as smooth as butter. But no one is able to see the rage that’s building up inside, the flood of emotions that is rising as the clock ticks by, the frustration slowly kicking in and taking control of you.

Your actions hurt others

The reactions you get, it never really bothers

All you want to do this break away

Just have someone, who can be there and hear you say

There won’t be anyone but

And then you will know the doors are shut

The last ray of hope is gone

The negativity takes over

Anger takes control

The transformation is painful, yet a happy one

Frustration becomes your happy place

Violence is your closure in the coming days

Beware- the animal has been unleashed!

Broken Symmetries

Broken Symmetries

They were meant to be reflections

But harmed each other like deadly infection

They were to converge at some point

Little did they know they were like parallel lines

Drawn way beyond the tipping point

Hatred carved to the utmost perfection

Ever been in that situation where you are just forced to be with them? Even when you don’t want to? Is it actually just too hard to step away, or you just don’t feel like doing that? There is a pinch of hate, a teaspoon of happiness, a tablespoon of sorrow and a bowl full of emotion- perfect recipe for a dish hot served- called love.

He felt it was the best feeling in the world

She never knew it would get so real

His eyes were like a page of emotions never-turned

They could never be fixed as one

Like a broken symmetry, can’t be folded by anyone

Emotions do drive the best of you, or do they get the best of you? It’s hard to pick one statement, especially when the emotion is love. It’s just a four letter word. Surprising how things involving four are symmetrical but this, this is something beyond our thinking.

Take a minute to think about it- ever seen a square? how perfectly it folds on pretty much all it’s symmetry. But when you try the same with love- it ain’t that easy

He was left broken when she left

He cried, but the pain never left

He tried, but ever got what he hoped for

But he didn’t give up, it was too much to ask for

They told him to move on

The damage was done, a thought on which he could brood on

He realized it was something that was never meant to be

Do you see where this is going? Do you see where the heart leads you? Do you still think your mind could do a better job? Hard isn’t it? When you think it is simple as one two three, reality tells you- it’s more complicated.

Alright it can’t be as hard has calculus, you thin. Then life tells you – i am no amateur, increase the complexity.

Try over lapping two semi-circles of different diameters, there is always an excess or you will end up on short of another- seems like that’s how love comes into your life. You are never good enough or sometimes you are just too good.

The power of unrequited love was unique

There was no distributing it into two, like perfect halves

“It only has my right on it”, he said and laughed

He knew what he was about to do, was insanity

But it’s love, an emotion way beyond the understanding of humanity

Sometimes you just have to deal with being not good enough, or with just being extraordinary good. But sometimes, you just have to show – a circle and square might not have the same alignment or symmetry, but a little understanding from both end and one can happily reside into another- I guess we did fix it-

A lost cause

An inability- The Broken Symmetry!