It’s not me, It’s you?

Sitting on a lonely bench, I’m looking at an empty one and contemplating the reasons behind the spectacular fluctuation in the number of people in my life. It boils down to 2 reasons – I revised my definition of friendship and people revised theirs.

I’m worrying about the person who I feel might not be around in the next few years going by how she feels for she someone she dearly loves, for change, oh that’s not me. Is it just about the person i fall for? Nope, pretty much with everyone in my life right now. I have trouble dealing with unrequited friendship. Funny, how in the first place i became friends with the.

I’m scared I’ll never find love again; that I’ll never fall out of love with this one person I didn’t realize I cared so much for – enough for me to have subconsciously accepted that he is my last; that I’ll never be able to whole heartedly love another. People pick things they want from life and I have always wanted a happy love. But I have difficulty even imagining myself in such a state anymore.

Most of all, the realization that there never will be any so called right answers or solutions to these fears is slowly seeping into my brain and numbing me.Growing up is hard. Combine a change in personality itself. Throw in some consistent mood swings. You have me.

This is probably everyone’s story at some point in their lives and we are all fighters. Always only passively resilient, I’m going balls out now and hoping this plan will keep me afloat. Pray for me, as I do for you.

Somethings never change

Been away for a while now

Lost in her thoughts, it’s been a while now

Does she feel for me? Try harder you will figure it out somehow

It just happens to happen again and again

Fall in love, but so hard that it’s just pain

Pick up yourself? Oh no point trying it’s all in vain

Her smile suddenly is what you want to see

Next to her, is the place where you want to be

And then the answer to the  question- do you love me?

It will never be how you think

She will be gone, even before you blink

All you can feel is your heart shrink

You just wanted her to be with you

Love you the way you do

It always ends up, you curled up in pain and rage,

Strange, how some things never change

Her touch made you fly

Distance from her made you cry

Her absence made days sulky and dry

Dreams sometimes are meant to be in a cage

Just like you kept inside your feeling of rage.

Strange, how somethings never change.