Endings are always painful

Been a while since my last post.

I started this blog after something ended in my life. It was a way of finding closure, a way to reconstruct my inner self. Let me share somethings based on the same lines

Germany v England

For the tag, it was just a friendly, but what it produced was a statement that England are a force to reckon with in the future. Ever saw names of Kane and Vardy on the same sheet? Yup they are the future of this football team and they sure look one of the likelhoods to end the domination of German and Spanish football from Europe

India v Australia

Many people hate me for supporting Australia despite being an Indian. I am not a huge cricket fan, I just support good people. This is an open attack on all Indian players except Virat Kohli. Slogging your way to wins in T20 doest establish anything. That is why I only appreciate Kohli, because he knows how to play cricket. As for the community, don’t be like Manchester City fans- when they win- “oh dhoni is the best, this that” , when they lose- “his days are over, break his hose this that”. You talk about patriotism? I could totally see that when there were more chants for Pakistan than Australia in their match.

It’s a bitter loss to digest for cricket Australia as T20 still remains the trophy eluded from their cabinet, but there is always a next time.

Thanks Shane Watson, for all the moments and memories. The game will miss you
